The Essence of "Goddess"

It has come to my attention that some people have misconceptions about my moniker Goddess: "What makes you a goddess?" "You think you're all that?" "Prove this prove that blah blah blah watch my ignorance spew forth from my mouth." The natural assumption seems to be that:

1) I am very conceited and high on myself
2) I think that I'm God's gift to all
3) I believe I am the female incarnation of the Higher Being, or all three.

Well, here's the real deal, for those of you who "don't get it":

1) Anyone can tell you that, upon first meeting, I am a very quiet and shy in general, and I have low self-esteem in particular. So I'm not conceited; I appear that way because I'm quiet with everyone I'm first meeting. Then, I get really loud. Strike One.

2) The only thing I think I'm God's gift to is my parents. At the very least, I haven't gotten any comments from them wishing that I was never born, so I'm going to assume that I'm safe in thinking so. I may also be God's gift to my cats, but they'll never admit it. Strike Two.

3) I believe in a Higher Power, and I believe in that Power's control in all that happens around me. I do not know if that Power is Male or Female, and sometimes I wonder if It really exists. In any regard, I do not believe that that Power is myself, so assuming that I am, or that I think that I am, shows either naivety or ignorance on your part. Strike Three.
