Didja Know:A chronicle of drving stupidity

Day after day after DAY it amazes me how stupid drivers can be. Even the simplest driving laws seem to be beyond the average intelligence level of human beings. I've started this log because no one seems to believe that I truly experience this many instances of Bad Vehicular Karma every day of my life, and to give a little glimpse into the Hell that is driving in this great country of ours. Laugh because it's funny, or cry because you empathize. But don't doubt that these are real instances of Driving Stupidity that occur EVERY DAY. Enjoy...

DIDJA KNOW? for 05/10/01: You're not allowed to get upset if someone tries to turn their car into yours.
THE STORY: In the last couple of miles or so of my drive into work, I have to drive through this "industrial park". Part of this road has a turn that connects to the street off of which my building lies, kinda making a big "H". Now, this is a pretty wide turn, obviously, because trucks need to be able to maneuver them. However, for a regular vehicle, it's like making bigassed circles on the road. So, people find it "okay" to just cut across the dividing line that makes the short part of the "H".
Well, this tends to be a problem when, say, someone's car, LIKE MINE, is trying to drive in the same area, LEGALLY. So, what I did was to honk my horn to say, "Hi. I'm a car. I'm supposed to be here and you're not. Please do not hit me." The guy's response was to get pissed off and start yelling at me (through his windshield... very effective). And all I could do was to just sit there and blink a few times, trying to figure out how I could POSSIBLY have been wrong. If anyone knows, please inform me.
